Allergy Relief for Your Pets

Seasonal allergies are something your pet may deal with just as you do. It can be just as frustrating for them as well. There are many different types of allergies that your dog can contract, just as people do. Here are a few things you need to know about dog  allergies so you can help spot them and prevent your dog from suffering through this.


Signs Your Dog Has Allergies

While you may get sniffles, a post nasal drip, a headache with your allergies, they are not the same as what your dog will experience when they have allergies. Also just because your pet doesn’t sneeze all the time doesn’t mean they have allergies. Instead you should look for these symptoms:


  • Biting at paws or other parts of their body
  • Excessive licking
  • Scratching themselves
  • Chewing on their paws
  • Tear stains (though this only really appears on white or very light fur)


These are the main considerations when determining whether or not your pet has allergies. If you suspect your dog has allergies then the best thing you can do is talk with your vet to find out what the best course of action is. In many cases this may mean having them on medication to reduce the effect the allergies have on them. In many cases this may just be benedryl but they could also put them on corticosteroids or immune suppressing drugs if the allergies get too out of control. However, there are a few other things that you can do to help keep the allergies under control.


Go for Regular Grooming

As long as your pet can tolerate regular bathing, this can be a good way to keep the dander and other allergens off of them. However, if you find that your dog has allergies to certain products, then you may want to use hypoallergenic products. Also oatmeal baths can be helpful when dealing with itchy fur and may be great to ask your groomer about.



\"may-1\"There are a few supplements that may help your dog with their allergies. The most common of these is biotin. This is one of the main ingredients in hair, skin and nail vitamins for people so it makes sense that it can help your pet. It is also often used in conjunction with Omega 3 which can suppress the immune response.
Remember it is important to catch allergies early and treat them. While it may not seem like a big deal, if your dog continues to scratch or bite at themselves they can create a hotspot or get an infection in the area, which is even more complicated to deal with and more invasive for your pet.

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