Millennials Become Primary Pet Owners in U.S.

For years baby boomers have been the primary owners of pets in the U.S. Many trends in product design and pet care have been based around boomers holding this spot.  Even more recently, the pet industry has been catering for senior pets who are aging with their owners. Now a new generation is the most substantial in pet ownership.

A comprehensive consumer report published by the American Pet Products Association (APPA) states that millennials are now the primary pet owning demographic.

Millennials and Generation Y individuals surpassed baby boomers by three percentage points at 35% of national pet ownership. 68% of American households own a pet. This makes up around 84.6 million houses a number which is up by 4.9 million from last year.

Information is gathered by the APPA in the National Pet Owners Survey.

Highlights of the Survey Include:

  • 61% feel buying a pet product made in the USA is important to them
  • 81% are aware that owning a pet can be beneficial to their own health
  • 85% of owners believe pets are a good source of affection
  • 81% feel unconditional love for their pet
  • 82% agree that interacting with a pet can help them relax
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