Splash and Dash for Dogs recognizes the huge need for animal rescue organizations. There are so many different nonprofit organizations that do their best for the thousands of stray dogs across the country.
Hope For Paws, works with A.R.T. N Paws Animal Rescue to help strays. Both nonprofits are based in California. They do a lot of work around downtown Los Angeles. This an area where homeless and neglected dog cases are very common.
Both organizations collaborate with veterinarians to give rescue dogs proper health care. All rescue animals are vaccinated, and spayed or neutered if necessary. This is essential for pet care.
This video is especially cool to us at Splash and Dash for Dogs because Hope For Paws filmed the whole rescue. Two Hope For Paws members responded to a stray dog outside of a public school in downtown Los Angeles. They spotted the dog lying the grass outside the school.
They used a gentle snare to catch the poor doggie. Using gentle voice prompts, and soothing the dog with food, they were able to get him to the A.R.T N Paws Animal Rescue center. They washed him up and had a veterinarian examine him.
Splash and Dash for Dogs thinks it’s wonderful to watch Seymour at the end of the video with a healthy weight gain and a smile on his face. We loved this video and we hope you do too!