2023 Holiday Ornaments & Card Order

Use the form below to place your Holiday ornament & card order.


Holiday Ornaments

Each bundle contains a quantity of 100 ornaments.

Reminder: This is a required program and cost per bundle will increase per the following schedule.

  • 100 ornament ordered prior to Sept 15th = $295.00
  • 100 ornaments ordered between Sept 16th and Sept 30th = $450.00
  • Any orders not received by Oct 1st, we will auto ship 500 ornaments to each shop at a cost of $625.00 per 100
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Holiday Card With Bonus Card Insert

Each bundle contains a quantity of 100 Holiday Cards.

Reminder: This is a required program and cost per bundle will increase per the following schedule.

  • 100 Holiday Cards ordered prior to Sept 15th = $150.00
  • 100 Holiday Cards ordered between Sept 16th and Sept 30th = $225.00
  • Any orders not received by Oct 1st, we will auto ship 500 Holiday Cards to each shop at a cost of $325 per 100
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