dog safety during halloween

7 Tips To Keep Your Dog Safe This Halloween

Halloween is a great opportunity for families, friends, and pets to dress up and play pretend in the real world. Whether you’re staying in with your pet and handing out candy or hitting the streets to get all the candy you’ll need for the next year, dog safety is just as important as safety for your kids.

Here are some of the best tips to maintain dog safety this October 31st:

1. Candies are Tasty for You but Bad for Your Pup

Whether they are chocolates or sugar-free gummies, they are equally unhealthy for your pet and can put your dog at risk. Chocolate is a known substance that is bad for dogs and may cause diarrhea, vomiting, increased heart rate, and even seizures. Meanwhile, sugar-free candies often have a substance known as xylitol which can have the same effects as chocolate on dogs. Keep dogs safe by keeping the candy for the kids.

2. Make Your Dog Feels Safe at Home

\"dogIf your home happens to experience a lot of foot traffic during Halloween night, you may want to consider how your dog will respond to the sound and where they may go if they’re feeling nervous. Dog safety doesn’t just take place outside of the home, but it starts with the feeling of fear every time someone rings your doorbell or knocks on the door. You should barricade any possible access your dog has to the front door if you fear your dog running every time it makes a sound.

3. Always Supervise Your Pet

Whether someone is shooting off fireworks, egging houses, or just being rowdy tricksters, there is an increased danger to dog safety on Halloween. It’s important to minimize unsupervised outdoor play on regular days, but on nights like this, it’s best to avoid it completely as some pranks can just be downright cruel and dangerous.  

4. Watch Out for Pumpkins, Corn, and Candles

\"petPumpkins can be particularly tricky for dogs as many treats are made with pumpkin. However, your dog can become ill from eating old pumpkin that’s been sitting outside and may be rotten. Corn is hard for dogs to digest and should never be given to dogs as food. What makes Halloween even more dangerous for your dog, is that candy wrappers can be found all over the sidewalk outside after a long night of trick-or-treating.

5. Properly Tag Your Dog at All Times

Dog collars and tags should always be worn for year ‘round dog safety. It’s particularly important on a night made popular with mischief and constantly opening doors. Before Halloween night, double check that your dog not only has appropriate, readable tags, but that the information contained on them is still accurate. Include pet name and your phone number minimally.

6. Cover Cords and Consider Decorations

\"petWhile most decorations have child warnings on them, they do not necessarily take dog safety into consideration on the label. As fun as cobwebs, skeletons, and an electronic grim reaper can be, also consider where the cords may be lying and whether your dog will get into anything. If your pet is a chewer, you may want to minimize the number of decorations you set up until the chewing has passed. This way you avoid choking hazards, accidental electrocutions, or glass swallowing.

7. Dress for Success and Dog Safety

When it comes to costuming your pets, there are a few key tips to keep in mind such as never forcing a dog into anything that makes them uncomfortable or irritable. Consider the weather this time of year. If you live in a hotter or colder climate, dress your pet appropriately. If your dog isn’t used to wearing clothing, try it on and let your pet wear it around enough to get used to it in small doses before the big costume party at the end of the month.

Happy Halloween, from your family at Splash and Dash!

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