Splash and Dash for Dog’s loves when we find videos and organizations like Animal Aid Unlimited, India. The organization is donation-based and operates around the cities of Udaipur and Rajasthan. Whenever an animal in distress is spotted, their hotline is called and Animal Aid workers come out to help. This video titled, Dog who was trapped in well for 5 days saved, shows viewers exactly what they do. Villagers outside of Udaipur heard crying coming from a well, but were too afraid to climb down to investigate themselves. At first they were unaware of Animal Aid, but asked around and soon got the hotline. The villagers called, and Animal Aid workers showed up with a crane to hoist the poor little Greyhound out. The dog was trapped for five days before Animal Aid was able to save him. The workers attached a harness to one of the Animal Aid workers and lowered him down into the well so that he could pull the Greyhound out. During the final segments of the video you see the dog running eating and running around happy.This is a truly inspiring video and shows you the little stories of humanity that happen around the world every day.