Splash and Dash for Dogs brings you a better love story than TItanic, a better meetup than an episode of Friends–a tale of camaraderie and facing fear in this video, Dog’s Best Friend, published by the YouTube user phgÄce. This video went viral about a month ago and made the frontpage of Reddit. This forever immortalizes it in all things cute and amazing on the internet. The video shows a fearless cat finagle his way out of his transparent cage and into his Longhaired Dachshund neighbor’s cage. This little grey kitty is brave. He climbs out of his own cage and balances his way on the glass sheet wall. Next he is able to jump onto the Dachshund’s wall, and then climb his way into the puppy’s cage. Once the kitties inside, they play and play. The friendship happened at Jo Linn’s Pet House in Taiwan.