Splash and Dash for Dogs has been a fan of Mishka–the talking Siberian Husky–for a long time. Mishka is a constant reminder of how intelligent animals and how communication from owner to dog can be more complex than just telling your dog to sit. (Say nice things to your dogs! They understand you!) Mishka is an internet viral celebrity because of her amazing vocal abilities. Most Siberian Huskies will howl when prompted, sometimes you can even get an english word or two out of them, but Mishka is pretty special. Mishka can say whole phrases and has full blown conversations with her owners and her sister Laika. It’s incredible!. The first video posted by YouTube user gardea23 was this one, Husky Dog Talking- “I Love you.” Just as the title suggests it is a video of Mishka lying on the bed and repeating the words, “I love you” when prompted by her owners. Mishka is now 14-years-old, and still talking since 2008. Mishka is a doggie that is close to our hearts here at Splash and Dash for Dogs and we hope you enjoy her videos as much as we do.