Splash and Dogs for Dogs found a cat all the way from Japan that thinks he’s the sneakiest prowler at large. YouTube user ????, which translated into English is Moakuri, uploaded the video, Stalking Cat. It’s pretty darn hilarious! The video opens with Moakuri, the kitty, stepping through the doorway in super stealth mode. The camera pans over behind a dark object (probably furniture) while the owner hides, and then pans back onto the shot of Moakuri. Each time the camera pans back over to Moakuri, he is inches closer to the camera. As soon as he is in the shot, he freezes like a stalker. The expression on his face is absurd. As the video plays you watch him get closer and closer. Splash and Dash for Dogs would love to thank the Japanese and their funny stalker-kitty for uploading this one!